For my GCSEs, I studied (most of) Art, Biology, Chemistry, English Language, English Literature, French, German, Maths and Physics. I dropped Additional Maths and Geography at the end of Y10. I fell ill around my exams so never was well enough to sit my language examinations and get a grade in them. My others I somehow survived.

I have just sat my exams in A Level Biology, Chemistry and Physics and hopefully they went ok although my anxiety says hell no. I had to miss a paper and a half, again due to health reasons, so we'll see how that affects things. Let's not even mention the leaked AQA Chemistry paper!

After much deliberation I am planning to study Biomedical Sciences at university. I hope to specialise in neuroscience by the end of my Bachelors degree but my main interest in that area is computational neuroscience. Hence the interest in coding and programming as well as the desire to maintain my maths and physics skills to make this a possibility in the future.

Currently I am spending my summer holidays resting, building this website for fun, spending time with family, seeing friends, learning important adulting skills so that I am ready to move out and occasionally working on FreeCodeCamp's Scientific Programming with Python course.